Sunday, January 27, 2008

Where's Perry?

I didn't even have time to say goodbye before leaving for another trip to the Philippines. My fiancee and I went to Tagaytay, a popular tourist destination for both Filipinos and foreigners. My family used to go to Tagaytay often when I was little, and with its proximity to metro Manila, we'd leave in early morning and could return by nighttime without needing to stay overnight. My fiancee and I stayed for a few days to enjoy the cooler climate and scenery. It's the only site in the world with an island within a lake within an island within a lake: inside the large Lake Taal is the Taal volcano, and the volcano has a 2-km-wide lake within, which itself has a small volcanic island.

Next, we went to Pagsanjan, another popular getaway. My sister holds our family painting depicting a couple of boats going down the rapids, which is the only thing for tourists. My mother says that she took my sister and me to Pagsanjan when we were small, but I'm sure I'd have remembered the boat ride. Now, the rapids on a clear day are already treacherous enough, but when my fiancee and I were there, it was raining very hard, and going to the main waterfalls was simply too dangerous. We made it as far as the smaller waterfalls but had to turn around.


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