Sunday, September 23, 2012
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Charles Schultz characterized liberalism so well 40-plus years ago
I have no love for Mitt Romney, but with all this outrage that he paid only (only!) $2 million in federal income taxes and a 14% tax rate, I thought of a couple of Peanuts strips I saved.
These were reprinted on July 27 and July 29, 2006. They would have been originally published sometime in the 1960s.

Joe Biden ($5540 charitable contributions last year) had no comment.
These were reprinted on July 27 and July 29, 2006. They would have been originally published sometime in the 1960s.

Joe Biden ($5540 charitable contributions last year) had no comment.
posted by Perry Eidelbus at
4:45 PM
Thursday, September 06, 2012
The real "compromise" between the two parties no different between a mugger and a rapist accommodating each other over the victim, and eventually learning to "cooperate" with future ones.
posted by Perry Eidelbus at
9:27 AM
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- Patrick Henry, 1788
"One can never be too hard on France."
- Don Luskin
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In Star Trek, North Korea would be the Pakleds
Will someone tell Paul Krugman to avoid labor econ?
What do you call a disarmed populace?
The intellectual bankruptcy of the left: Brad DeLong
Conservatives in need of an appointment with reality
Congressional morons that keep the price of oil high
A lesson for Warren Buffett on int'l investment
Debunking a would-be debunker of the Laffer Curve
The intellectual bankruptcy of the left
What to do about the price of gasoline?
How many lies can Ted Rall make in one cartoon?
Protectionism by any other name still stinks
Wal-Mart and "separation of commerce and bank"
Common sense and illegal immigration
"Pushing cars after Katrina"
How markets work with imperfect information
Saving us from foreign oil "dependence"?
Storm after the storm: public and private property
How do markets clear?
Wal-Mart's CEO speaks out
"Christians and Jews rampage..."
Hardly something France should be proud of
Is Microsoft overpriced?
What hath the free market wrought?
Freedom of thought is most dangerous to the state
Is limited government in accordance with the Bible?
Price-setting and illegal immigration
Why government subsidies don't help the economy
The economics of Costco, Sam's and Wal-Mart
Belling the cat
How to out-Krugman Krugman
Knoppix: the easy way to run Linux on your PC
Mainstream Media 101: how to twist words
How to cut taxes yet cost consumers
How government invisibly confiscates wealth
Hillary Clinton, the queen of state-worshippers
The Democrats' myth of "energy independence"
Krugman: in need of an appointment with reality
Economically illiterate politicians
Face of the enemy (confronting Larouchers!)
The bad way to "cut" taxes
How much do you "deserve" in pay?
Government creating problems it says only it can fix
Nice (French) unemployment if you can get it
Government's chief sin: robbing Peter to pay Paul
The New York MTA: it's not theirs to invest
So you wanna revalue the yuan?
Protectionism is for losers
The free market lets the best come out on top
Eminent domain: "The law perverted!"
Uncommon valor: a hero chopper pilot
When conservatives become socialists
Star Wars: the Organa Connection
Death of the Tenth Amendment
Star Wars: I hope the Professor is more forgiving...
When the bottom line isn't everything
Will Krugman eventually be right?
Walter Williams on the trade deficit
Where does the Constitution give courts the right?
Star Wars: The Emperor is less forgiving than I am
Star Wars: "The Jedi are not to be trusted"?
Star Wars: Obi-wan is a neo-con
Historical revisionism of the Civil War
The error of protectionist economics
Star Trek economics
Start the drilling in ANWR
Let Amtrak die
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Give more back to the government?
"Entitled" to other people's money?
French winemaker terrorists
What would Bastiat say? Part II
John Edwards' hypocrisy
Krugman: enemy of the free market
* The Great Social Security Debate *
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Worrying about the trade deficit
Krugman: we must protect state-worshippers
Iran: it's all your fault, you made us do it!
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Eating the rich? Or just soaking them?
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